LMO is high purity oxygen used for medical treatment, and is developed for use in human body.
It is stored & transported in liquid state because it takes up less space & is easier to move.
In medicine, liquid oxygen therapy is used to provide additional oxygen to a patient who cannot get enough oxygen on their own.
Conditions such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, dysphasia, COPD, heart failure, lung disease & pneumonia can be treated by liquid oxygen therapy.
Liquid oxygen can help treat conditions such as asthma, COPD, heart failure & chronic pain.
The primary benefit of liquid oxygen is that continuous flow oxygen can be supplied in a relatively small, lightweight container.
The key advantages of liquid oxygen include portable, continuous flow capability, 100% concentrated oxygen, low weight (less than 5 KG), and long duration (over 18 hours). In comparison, portable oxygen concentrators, offer a concentration range of 86 to 97%, weigh from 6 to 12 KG, and last for 1.5 to 9.5 hours until the battery needs to be recharged.
In its liquid state, oxygen takes up less space and can be stored at much lower pressures than when in a gaseous state. This means more oxygen can be carried in a portable liquid unit, and the portable container is much lighter in weight and smaller in size than an oxygen gas cylinder.
One Liter of liquid oxygen offers approximately 860 Liters of gaseous oxygen. A small amount of liquid oxygen may supply an oxygen therapy patient with a full day of service away from home.
Medical liquid oxygen is stored under low pressure and is, therefore, safer than oxygen cylinders which are under high pressure.
As the temperature for liquid oxygen rises, oxygen gas is produced and used for medical therapy.
LMO temperature is -183 degrees centigrade. At this low temperature, oxygen remains in a liquid form.
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